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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I recently attended a talk with the author of the Healthy Programmer, Joe Kutner. Joe told us that programmers are at risk for certain health issues.

Sitting in front of a computer all day isn’t good for your health. I have a standing desk and that helps. I learned at this presentation that standing all day isn’t good either. We should alternate between sitting and standing, mix it up.

The most interesting part was this: Studies are showing a high correlation between the number of steps taken per day and overall health and lifespan.

This has changed my thinking about walking.

I’ve found lots of little hacks to increase my steps taken per day.

I’m parking farther away from buildings on purpose.

I’m taking more breaks and walking around.

Biggest change: I never take elevators anymore. I work on the 4th floor of my building so I’m getting a lot of great stair steps in during my workdays.

Walking feels good and I’m glad to know that it’s balancing some of my unhealthy programmer health habits.

Here’s to taking more steps every day.

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