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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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You may have noticed that I’ve been posting every day. This started on the 19th with a post about Failure.

I had gotten out of the habit of writing regularly, and the longer I waited the more daunting the task became. I tried a few pieces but couldn’t get the right feel.

I needed a new approach so I decided to write something short and small every day for a week, even if I didn’t think it was up to par.

I made a commitment to have a quick burst of writing each morning before starting my day.

Nine days later, the well couldn’t be wetter. Making the choice to write daily and keep the pieces shorter has tapped into a new stream of creativity.

Sometimes we just need to keep the frequency up.

Don’t wait for the perfect idea or opportunity.

Don’t over-analyze.

Just. Create.

Set a ritual and do a little bit every day.

Once I started writing daily, I started seeing ideas everywhere. The well is deep and it’s all around us if we listen, pay attention and describe what we’re seeing and feeling honestly.

It’s a pleasure and a privilege to filter these ideas through me. No telling how long the streak will last, but I hope you’re enjoying some of these short pieces in the mean time!

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