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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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Ever say something about somebody behind their back and have it come back to bite you?

I’m doing this less and less, but it still happens sometimes. That feeling of horror where your words or intentions are exposed to the other person. They know what you said and it wasn’t kind. Yikes!

Reminder to self: Don’t say anything about anybody that you wouldn’t say to their face.

When tough things need to be said, figure out how to say it to that person or just let it go.

Preparing my point for the person helps me massage the words into something more respectful. Confronting the issue and being direct takes courage and tact, whereas talking behind someone’s back is spineless.

I admire people who can bring up touchy issues right away. These folks are far more likely to resolve their issues and gain respect.

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