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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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These posts are a projection of who I want to be. I aim to flex my best side, cultivate awareness and practice new ways of thinking.

I see a trend in recent posts -

  1. Something nags/rattles/challenges me.
  2. I search for the meaning in it.
  3. I write about it here to distill a lesson, to learn something new and grow.

I’m not always as clear-headed and on-point as I may appear here. These posts are a barometer for who I want to be.

How can we improve ourselves if we don’t know who we want to be?

Writing is a trajectory towards a meaningful, empowered life.

Writing is projecting who I want to be.

published .

Next Post : Momentum
Prev Post : Vulnerable Confidence
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