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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I try to meditate every day. I tend to succeed about six days a week.

Some days meditating is difficult. Other days it’s pure bliss. Meditation is a reflection of how I’m feeling.

I meditate because it cultivates awareness.

Without awareness, my thoughts control me.

With awareness, I can see that my thoughts are only thoughts.

Meditation brings me out of my head and down into my body. It helps me breathe better. It helps me sleep better too.

When I’m frustrated, angry or sad, it can be difficult to sit and watch these emotions. There’s no escaping these emotions though. And watching them helps me accept them.

Meditation allows me to notice my internal storms instead of being tossed about by them.

A lot of our cultural problems arise because we are constantly distracting ourselves with media, junk food and drugs. So many of our decisions come from wanting to change how we feel.

Meditation is the opposite of distraction. It’s sitting with myself. Going head to head with joy, sorrow and pain. Accepting how I feel.

Years ago, I could sit for forty five minutes a day. Nowadays I’m busier. I try to do twenty minutes a day. That’s not always possible. Five minutes a day is always possible.

I log my meditation stats to help keep me on it.

Meditation is about looking within on a regular basis. A daily practice adds up tremendously over months and years.

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