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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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We have a gym in the basement of our building. I go down there to work out during lunch sometimes. We share our building with some other organizations, including the Air Force. There are often airmen working out at the same time. I’m often struck by the focus and energy that airmen bring to their workout. It reminds me of the disciplined path they’ve taken for years, a rigorous training of body and mind.

When I was sleeping til noon and having pizza for breakfast in my early twenties, these folks were waking up at the crack of dawn, making their beds and gearing up for a productive day.

Airmen work out hard. The interesting part: I’ve noticed I have a better workout, just by being in the same room, by being in their proximity.

How often does this happen? How often do we (unconsciously?) align our focus, our ethic, our energy to those around us? Do we raise our game and do our best work when we’re surrounded by sharp, on-point people?

Is the opposite also true?

published .

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