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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I spent a couple decades running from embarrassment. I’m pretty sure this started when I left the innocence of Elementary School behind.

At the age of 11, I was cast into the scary world of Middle School. No more Duck Duck Goose at Middle School. Suddenly, there were cigarettes, rampant hormones and bullies… who shaved!

As a child, I acted naturally and didn’t worry what people thought. I spoke from the gut and generally had a good time.

At Middle School, I became afraid of disapproval and laughter. I got a taste of embarrassment. I held back and lowered my eyes.

I grew up and got over it (mostly), but there was still a lingering voice within me saying, “Play it safe. Don’t stand out. They might laugh at you.”

I’m done listening to that voice. I yearn to go full circle and get back to the uninhibited kid within.

Why worry about embarrassment?

Why fear putting myself out there?

Why run from saying the things I feel?

Risking embarrassment makes my pulse quicken. It makes me feel alive.

I’m starting to see the embarrassment-riskers as the true heroes, the ones that take life the farthest.

I’ve started risking embarrassment and I’ve yet to regret it. In fact, my regrets tend to stem from avoiding risk, not confronting it.

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