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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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We all have people in our lives that challenge us. Some of these people are gentle. Others are hostile. They don’t let us be right or powerful by default, if ever. It can be tempting to avoid such people.

What if challenging people are sent here to make us stronger?

It can be helpful in the long run to surround ourselves with challenging people. Learning to defend our ideas and stand up for ourselves makes us stronger.

When we get slapped down by these people, that’s helpful too. Do we need to be right all the time? Is that even possible? When my idea is torn to shreds, I’ve learned something important. I’ve gotten wiser. Back to the drawing board for me!

We’re more likely to become astute and powerful in the long run when we are tested and challenged along the way.

Let’s lean in to challenging relationships and invite criticism. Let’s keep an open mind. We don’t need to be right all the time. We don’t need to win.

Are we threatened by challenging people because we’re afraid to be wrong? What’s wrong with being wrong anyway?

Let’s be wrong, early and often. Let’s take the short term ego hit and come back tomorrow with more resilient ideas.

Much love and respect to the challenging people in our lives. They make us stronger in the long run.

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