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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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“All models are wrong but some are useful.” - George E.P. Box

All my facts, measurements and impressions are limited. I don’t see the world as it is. Rather, I model the world in my mind.

I can sharpen these measurements and perhaps get closer to the truth, but my mental models will always be limited.

Knowing that my perceptions are limited is freeing because I don’t have to be right all the time. I don’t have to convince others to adopt my view. I don’t have to adopt supposed experts’ views either.

When I realize I’m merely modeling the world, I understand the power of collaboration.

Combine multiple models and the results stretch far beyond the sum. As collaborators, we each bring a unique creative view to the table. We can explore, converse and get farther together than we ever will alone.

Let’s collaborate.

Let’s describe and combine our models.

Let’s remember: Everything we perceive is a model, a limited slice of reality.

What a relief to know we aren’t always right.

published .

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