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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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It’s ridiculous to put out music at this point. I’ve been doing this 20 years. It doesn’t pay and there are plenty of albums out there already, if somebody wants to listen to me sing.

And yet, songs still appear. I’m glad they do. I love writing and the way new words feel in my throat.

I love songs.

A few months ago, I realized I had accumulated lots of new songs that I wanted to capture. The thought of tracking and overdubbing, mixing, mastering and analyzing - this was exhausting to think about. How could I honor these tunes and still make a different kind of album?

My friend, Lee Younger sang his songs into an iPhone and just put that out. They sound great. What a wonderfully minimal idea.

I stole Lee’s idea and played my favorite new songs into an iPhone. I settled on 23 tunes, 50 minutes that feels cohesive. I put it online here without thinking too hard about it. The process was spontaneous and fun.

This album is called Kid Lit because we’ve been reading lots of children’s books. Their imaginative simplicity crept into these songs.

Kids make art in the moment and move on. They don’t obsess or stress over perfection.

I want to be more like that.

published .

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