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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’m fortunate that I get to spend hours with a 3-year-old every day. Kid energy is off the chain. They have so much enthusiasm and excitement. They have near limitless resilience. Why is that?

  1. Biology. Kid cells are on the up and up.
  2. Everything is new. So many of their experiences are first-timers.
  3. Kids sleep a lot, maybe 12 hours a day or more (including naps). That’s 50% sleep time per 24 hours (vs. 33% or less for adults).
  4. Emotions flow straight out of kids unfiltered. No shame. Lots of laughter, tears and tantrums. As adults, we have learned to disguise these feelings, quarantine them.

While we can’t do much about biology (for now), points 2-4 are within our control.

We can challenge ourselves to see each day, person and experience as new because they are different every time. Too often, we just see our thoughts about these things.

We can surely sleep more if we make it a priority.

The biggest eye-opener for me has been the importance of emotional awareness. Emotions are vital to our overall health and quality of life. My daughter is teaching me to laugh and cry more often, more openly. This is rich stuff.

I marvel at the energy that my daughter has. She falls hard and gets right back up. She’s a pliant, limber lover of life. A rabbit runs through our yard and her eyes widen with passionate interest as she yells, “RABBIT!”

She’s right. Rabbits are amazing creatures.

There is a lot to be learned from kid energy.

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