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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’ve discovered that I can steer my life and manifest change just by asking questions. Laugh it up. I’m serious.

There is a lot of information at our fingertips right now, which is awesome. On the flip side, there are so many things competing for our attention that we’re often stunned, overloaded and underwhelmed. It’s easy to find yourself midway through the day and think, “What was I doing?” (Or worse, you don’t even know that you don’t know!)

So how do we parse all the information that’s coming in and filter out the noise? How do we leverage information overload in our favor and get what we want?

For starters, it helps if you know what you want. This is a deceptively simple concept.

Recently, I’ve been asking myself meaningful questions on a regular basis. Stop, zoom out and remind yourself of the big picture. Check in with your soul. Sit down and ask yourself what you want. Pay attention. You deserve it.

Here are some questions I’ve been asking myself -

  1. What do I want out of life that I don’t have now?
  2. What would my dream life look like? (Be as detailed as possible)
  3. How is my health? What can I do to improve my health?
  4. Who are the most important people in my life right now? How are my relationships with them? What can I do to improve these relationships?
  5. Is there something artistic that I want to be doing that I’m not doing? When can I carve out time to make more art? Note: Saying you don’t have time is an unacceptable cop-out. Do you spend any time in front of tv, facebook or youtube?
  6. What am I doing these days that I’d rather not be doing?

Do this a few times and you’ll see patterns. Some answers fade away. Others stick around and get detailed, deeper with each round. Some answers will give you a tingle of excitement. Pay attention to that feeling! That’s the best part.

This is an exercise in cultivating excitement and intent. It also gets you in the habit of questioning things (bonus).

There are many paths. For those interested in this one, take a little time to ask yourself these questions. If you want to go farther, write your own questions. The important part is doing it regularly (at least once a week). Circle the answers that give you a tingle of excitement. Be mindful of them throughout your day.

I like to ask questions early in the morning, before the day spins up and gets noisy. Getting clear on what we want gives us a foundation, a reference point for making decisions. It helps us navigate the noisy distractions of modern life.

Question everything, especially yourself!

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” - Steve Jobs

This idea was influenced by lots of thinkers, including Scott Britton, Bill Burr and Seth Godin.

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