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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’m always searching for flow. The rhythm of getting into a great book or recording session. Crunching Autumn leaves with a loved one. Conversation without destination. Meaningful programming. Activities where the time purrs easily, void of resistance.

Life isn’t like this all the time. Lately, I’ve been experiencing the rattles of big change. Changing houses, changing roles at work, changing cars, changing my habits. All are beneficial in the long run. In the short run (aka now), there are patches of days where I feel like I’m fighting uphill. All damn day. Toggling between too many tasks, over-responding, trying to catch up. It can be overwhelming. Getting hit with more to-dos than I can bucket out of this canoe.

So what can I do?

My conditioning says, “Step back. Breathe. Write a quick blog post. Sing a song. Sit with the nerves. Watch the breath. Stop resisting. Open up the body, the mind, the awareness. Be ok with the way things are. Always make some time for the impractical, for things you enjoy. Trust your gut about your needs.”

In college, I learned the most during times of extreme tension. When I was struggling and full of doubts, that’s when I evolved. This is not a state to maintain full time, but it is the journey to the next plateau. I didn’t see that back in college. I’m trying to see that now.

There are times when my flow gets broken. My job is to keep showing up every day. To keep at the center. To keep a grip on the things that matter most.

Keep a handle on health. On state of mind. Keep showing up, watching, waiting for the break in the clouds. Waiting for the next flow.

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