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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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Clutter is happening all the time. We bring things home. Mail comes in. We need new clothes, books, toys. We receive gifts and buy stuff. Physical clutter.

What about mental clutter? As we get older, there’s more responsibility, more to keep track of. Receipts, bills, shopping lists, social obligations, chores, license plate renewal forms, birthdays. Mental clutter.

Complexity grows all by itself, every day. Without our doing anything. It’s gradual, unnoticeable perhaps, but it’s there. Every little bit of clutter means a little less freedom.

It takes intention to battle clutter. To keep it from growing, snowballing and getting out of hand. Give something away, clear off the counter, say ‘no’ to an event. Make time in the early morning to be alone and relax.

We all have limited time and space. Both are getting cluttered each day, month, year. I want to make a little regular time for clearing, cleaning, wiping, removing. For giving and throwing away.

I want to pare down my to-do list, shelf some goals. I want to quit some of my pursuits and carry less clutter in my brain.

A little at a time, each day, I want to counteract clutter. To beat the rate that it’s coming in.

More space, time, energy and focus. More clarity.

Onwards to less clutter. To more space.

published .

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