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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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How do I want this to feel?

What sort of energy do I want to carry around and share?

What’s my ideal vitality?

Our vitality is our life force, our fundamental energy. The interesting thing about vitality is it’s not measurable.

When I reduce complex things (like my ideal life) into smaller pieces, it helps me manage complexity. I can measure how much exercise or sleep I’m getting. That’s nice.

However, if I reduce too much and overemphasize the separate pieces, I lose my sense of the whole. I lose my sense of vitality.

It’s the whole that matters. The whole includes all the pieces, their relationships, timing and so much more.

Our brains are limited. Science teaches us to break things down and analyze them separately. In doing so, we end up with models of reality, not reality itself. While models are useful, a model is only a limited representation of the whole.

Yes, I’m going to keep an eye on my sleep, exercise and eating habits. I’m also going to ask myself what I want the whole thing to feel like. It’s such an immeasurably beautiful concept that children can understand it.

Beware the limits of reductionism!

Keep vitality in mind.

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