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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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Yes, I know I’m a nut for tracking things. Maybe it’s all the time spent hacking on data.

Data is powerful, and our intuition about it is often wrong.

We keep data on so many things but not often ourselves.

I’m amazed at how little I knew about where my time was going before I started tracking it.

Now I jot down my time and tasks during workdays, rounding to the nearest quarter of an hour. It’s interesting to see where my time is going.

Time may be our most limited resource.

Time-tracking helps me break big tasks down into little chunks. This keeps me from getting overwhelmed.

I’m often surprised by where my time is going. I can use these realizations to optimize, get more done and take more frequent breaks.

Time-tracking can help get me out of a rut. When I see that I’m spending lots of time on energy-draining tasks, I know it’s time to make a change.

I don’t track time in my personal life (evenings, weekends, etc). I’d rather just sink into the slipstream of “now” and enjoy these moments. I see time-tracking as more of a work tool. That distinction is important to me.

If time-tracking interests you, try tracking your time for a few days. It’s a great ROI.

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