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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’ve spent a couple decades writing songs, recording them and playing them for people. I have strived to be great, to write amazing songs that make people feel the way I felt when I was a teenager with headphones on. Riding the bus home, lost in bliss. Until recently, all other pursuits came second to making music.

Five years ago, I turned 30 and felt like trying some different things. Booking shows was starting to feel tiring, less fun. Didn’t I get into music because it was giving me energy? Am I doing this out of joy or habit?

Around this time, I starting programming computers and it was fun and creative, just like music. It was different (from music) in that I got a strong response right away. Whoah, the world needs programmers! Interesting. In a relatively short period of time, I’ve found great jobs and met lots of interesting people.

This got me asking some questions. What gets a response? What’s needed? Where is the overlap between fun, fulfilling work and opportunity?

Where are the saturations?

Where are the voids?

Anybody who has spent time trying to book shows knows how draining it can be. I’m talking about how much energy you get back for what you’re putting in. There are so many great bands out there, playing for free.

I don’t see myself quitting music. Music is therapy. Music is bliss. That “Songs” link at the top of this page isn’t going away.

This blog is something new. A different angle. It’s a challenge, an attempt to mix things up, expand creatively and get out of my comfort zone. Doing this feels fun and a little risky. I like that feeling.

Let’s look for the voids and see if we can fit something cool in there. Let’s take a stab at something new and see what happens next.

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