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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’ve lost and found and re-lost so many things.

“Ah ha! This is how I sing well in front of people!”

“So this is how I build a web application.”

“We’ve finally got this marriage thing figured out!”

Famous last words. All of them. The targets are moving. I should not assume my discoveries will last.

Epiphanies are eternally drifting, towards and away from me.

It comes down to renewal. My love for my wife, my family and my work. I need to constantly renew my love, at least daily, to keep it burning.

Renew. Renew. Renew.

Then renew some more.

Things may change in profoundly sudden ways, but most of the time we are changing gradually, a little bit at a time. I’m slightly different than I was yesterday. I’ll be immeasurably different by my next meal.

Renewal puts me back in my skin. Back on my feet. Back in the now.

Renewal is essential to keeping love alive over the long haul.

When I’ve hit my stride and love flows easily, that’s beautiful. I’ll enjoy it. The need for renewal is always just around the corner.

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