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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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Spelling is hrad.

Tarzan was well hung.

I remember a time when people set clocks.

Hey Chewbacca, can I get one of those Tic Tacs?

You guys are looking at me like I’m some jerk who doesn’t leave Amazon reviews.

It’s cool that firetrucks are helping people, but I wish they didn’t have to tell everybody.

While we were out of town, a cat burglar broke into our house, scratched up the carpet & drank all the milk.

I’m like Vincent Van Gogh, without the burden of being unforgettably talented.

Why does everybody hate Monday? It’s one of the top ten days of the week.

The Beatles and the Stones are like apples and oranges. Very similar.

He’s the best I tell you, a real natural born plastic surgeon.

My cool, calm demeanor crumbles in the checkout line.

It’s crazy how some people think everything is crazy.

Crap. I accidently clicked “Skip Ad ».”

I feel better now that I’ve said this.

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