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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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What’s you mantra?

A mantra is simple self-talk that you repeat over and over to keep your morale up. I first heard about mantras in the context of long-distance runners. Long-distance runners use mantras to keep themselves going.

Mantras are amazing.

It’s common to have negative self-talk happening in your head all day long, flying beneath the radar. That voice that says, “You can’t do this” or “Everybody can see you’re a fraud. Give up.”

I didn’t notice this voice was within me for a long time. Then I noticed it but thought there was something wrong with me. Now I realize that most of us have a voice like this babbling along, trying to bring us down.

Mantras intentionally take on this voice. A mantra can be something like, “I’ve got this,” “I can heal my body” or “Calm, steady, flow.”

Short and simple has worked best for me. Saying them over and over has worked wonders.

Mantras are an opportunity to craft our own words, our own self-talk to keep us moving forward and achieving in the presence of doubt or pain.

Mantras are awesome.

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