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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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It’s good to make plans, even when I know they’ll change.

I’ve been learning react.js. It’s fun, challenging and frustrating. The typical variety that comes with learning something new.

I tried to attack from one side and only got so far. Then I tried another and got a little farther. Then another.

Learning new things is tough, especially when you have to think in new ways. It’s a great exercise, but not for the weak-willed.

There are days where I feel weak-willed and hear that voice. “You should be farther along than this. You can’t do it!”

It’s best to stop and reevaluate at this point.

Step back.

Take a break.

Walk around.

Eat something slowly.

It also helps to have a plan before I dive into something challenging. Dream up a series of steps. Write them out. “I’m going to do this. Then this. Then this.”

Make a first-draft algorithm. This alleviates some of the burden when I’m in the thick of it. I can defer to the plan I made with a clear head.

Every plan is always a draft to be tweaked, re-written or thrown out. I can make a new plan for each learning session.

String enough evolving plans together and I’ll have something refined.

Plans change and shouldn’t be set in stone. Still, it’s great to have them written out. It’s one less thing to negotiate during the frustrating times.

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