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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’m curious about emotional awareness. I’ve spent a lot of time up in my head. Lately I’ve been wondering if there is a cost for this.

Am I feeling my emotions enough?

Am I taking responsibility for the feelings in my body?

Do I let emotions like frustration and pain send me flying off the rails, blaming other people?

Or worse, do I close up and close off when things feel difficult?

What if I made a point to notice my emotions more?

How do they feel physically in my body?

Where do I feel them?

I’m interested in the difficult feelings. The feelings I’m apt to avoid or smother with projects, work, movies or books.

Running from difficult emotions and ignoring them is easier in the short run. In the grander scheme, I’m not so sure.

Pressure builds.

We miss out.

When I don’t let myself feel sorrow, I deprive myself of relief and release. I lose the opportunity to relate and empathize with myself and others around me.

If I don’t address anger, it may explode at an inopportune time (or eat silently at my health).

I may even be afraid of joy at times. Wouldn’t that be a damn shame!

I’m digging down deeper for more awareness of my emotions.

Waiting for this shovel to hit the treasure chest.

published .

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