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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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I’ve added a new book notes section to this blog.

A few years back, I started writing notes as I read books. This has been a valuable process. Note-taking helps me actively participate and retain more from readings. Notes are also helpful when I need to go back and remember/revisit a concept from a book.

My first book notes here are on Gerald Weinberg’s General Systems. You may have noticed that I’ve been writing about “wholeness” recently. These posts were heavily inspired by Weinberg’s book, which weaves science and poetry together beautifully. Among other things, Weinberg proves how two rational people can witness the same event in two distinctly different ways.

I hope you enjoy some of these book notes. There will be more to come!

published .

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Prev Post : Leaps and Underlying Unity
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