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Ryan Barrington Cox

Ryan makes things in Asheville, NC.

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Louis C.K. was on Letterman recently and mentioned that he now speaks to 15,000 people. When Letterman asked him what it’s like to make that many people laugh, Louis said he notices the 1,000 people that aren’t laughing.

Louis went on to say that the more success you get, the bigger your audience grows, the more people there are that don’t like you.

That may sound harsh, but it’s simple math. A larger audience means more people aren’t going to get it.

If you’re thinking of putting yourself out there more, whether it’s speaking, writing or performing in any capacity, you might be afraid of the haters, the disapprovers. That’s a valid fear and we all have it. I find comfort in knowing that even the most successful people in the world deal with this.

If you want to perform or make art, just put your soul on the line and take the disapproval hits.

If you’re talented and lucky and you work really hard, who knows, maybe you’ll even get to have 1,000 people dislike you at the same time someday.

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